There is absolutely no excuse for getting Security Groups wrong, Security Groups should be used correctly and planned prior to anything being deployed into AWS.
- Configure security group rules to permit ONLY necessary traffic based upon the actual component(s) you are protecting.
- Ensure rules are configured to specific ranges and not overly permissive.
- Don’t use large CIDRs like /8 or 0/0.
- Ensure you have a clear description for each rule.
- Where you are unsure of the functionality of a rule, seek guidance from your security team.
- Where feasible, create single security groups and apply to multiple instances, where those instances are provisioning the same services.
- When using VPCs ensure endpoints are leveraged for traffic flows into AWS services.
- Never connect directly to instances, leverage either AWS SSM or as a minimum use a bastion host (jumpbox – if your lazy, stupid and want to waste money instead of using the AWS eco-system).
- Delete any unused security groups.
- ALWAYS, ALWAYS be aware of limitations: